

       本年度第一次基本學力測驗剛考過,有位英文老師覺得英語試題中 「their farms grow very little rice」這樣的句子怪怪,問我對不對。因此我把本次基測英語題目仔細看一遍,發現有不少問題。


       我自己女兒讀國一時,也常碰到這類的問題,譬如有一次題目是「你會說英語嗎?」她選 「Do you speak English?」竟然算錯,因為標準答案是 「Can you speak English?」





           Jim grew up with many animals at home and knows well how to (take care of) pets.

       “knows how to”中間插入well是很不自然的說法,請看Google search:

           找不到 "knows well how to take care of pets" 的結果

           找不到 "know well how to take care of pets" 的結果


            關於"knows how to take care of pets"-site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr有3項搜尋結果

            約有474項符合"know how to take care of pets"-site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr的查詢結果


            Candy has decided to move to Taipei next year.  When she studies in an art school there,

she (will live) with her aunt for five months.

       這裡的第二個句子以when she studies…來表達未來的情況,也是不太自然。用Google查詢時,可以把內容太過特定的字眼改成較普遍的字詞,減少因特殊情境而查不到或例子太少,所以我們把原句簡化以提高出現的機率:

            關於"When she studies there"-site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr有2項搜尋結果

       但是仍然只有兩項,如果改成較道地的說法while she is studying there,頻率就增加了許多:

            約有245項符合"While she is studying there"-site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr的查詢結果



To whom it may concern:

I certify that I__________will be sponsor for my daughter__________while she is studying               in__________. Also my daughter will cover all expenses for herself including education, personal,   medical, tuition and travel expenses when she returns home from the U.S. after she completes the school’s program.


She has been taking Italian at Kent State and will also take it while she is studying in Italy. She will also be traveling on weekend trips during her…—取材自gurto.org/information.htm                                                                                                                                 


             I heard there are many monkeys in this mountain.  But I didn’t see any of them last time when I was here.

       中文說「山裡有許多猴子」、「山上有許多猴子」都可以,但英語習慣說monkeys on this mountain,不是in this mountain。只要一查Google便可證實這點:

關於"many monkeys in this mountain" -site:tw有2項搜尋結果  (這兩個例子仍是源自台灣)          約有236項符合"many monkeys on this mountain" -site:tw的查詢結果                                       約有231項符合"many monkeys on this mountain" -site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr的查詢結果         

       句子中有特殊情境的部份,如名稱、數字等變項,用 * 取代,可以提高語料出現的頻率,更方便檢視。此外,第二句的中文意思是「『當我』上次來這裡的時候,我沒看到任何猴子」而講英語時這個when是不必要的,加上反而不自然:

            關於"didn't see * last time when I was here"有2項搜尋結果(這兩個例子仍是源自台灣)


            約有4,870,000項符合"didn't see * last time I was here"的查詢結果


           Karen: So that’s why you (have) all those colors on your hair?

           Sheryl: Oh, no!


關於"those colors on your hair" -site:tw1項搜尋結果(這一個例子仍是源自台灣)

            約有107項符合"those colors in your hair" -site:tw的查詢結果


          Four students of Class 705 want to take an art class next year.  They took several tests last week. Here are their grades.

       很多人會把「的」一律用of來表達,但英文「五百元的支票」是a check for $500不是 *a check of $500;「某班的學生」介詞用in,不是用of:

          約有41項符合"students of class A" -site:tw的查詢結果

          約有5,440項符合"students in class A" -site:tw的查詢結果



          Susan visits Jenny for the weekend.  She arrives at the train station of Jenny’s town in the 


          關於"the train station of his hometown" -site:tw有5項搜尋結果

          約有101項符合"the train station in his hometown" -site:tw的查詢結果


         What does the writer think of the movie?

         (B): Its music is great for the story.

       雖然(B)並非答案,似乎無關宏旨,但這個句子英文不太自然,仍然是瑕疵。把「它的配樂…很棒」直接用its music is great for…表達,是受到中文的影響,英文習慣上會說the music is great for…。

         關於"its music is great for" -site:tw有1項搜尋結果(此例源自台灣本次基測解析)

        約有654項符合"the music is great for" -site:tw的查詢結果



       Today Siena is famous for keeping its “old face.”  For example, its city walls, which helped keep the city safe in the past, are hundreds of years old now…

       關於"its city walls are * years old" -site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr有1項搜尋結果

       J & P in China cities in china to still have its old city walls, which are almost two thousand years old and massive. There is a muslim quarter in the old part of Xian…                                                                                                                                                  —取自chinaroaming.blogspot.com/


       若用the city walls取代its city walls,例子便增加許多:關於"the city walls are * years old" -site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr有10項搜尋結果


       …the first bank of the world was built in this city and has been doing business ever since.

        關於"the first bank of the world" -site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr有9項搜尋結果

        約有9,690項符合"the first bank in the world" -site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr的查詢結果



Mark: …can I borrow that CD for the weekend?

Anna: Uh… I’m afraid not.  I bought it only two days ago.  Can you wait until next month?

第二句英文通常會把only放在bought之前,而不是two days前,見底下根據:

                 關於"I bought it only two days ago" -site:tw有6項搜尋結果(其中一例是來自台灣)

     約有146項符合"I only bought it two days ago" -site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr的查詢結果


                 Susan: …It took me three hours from New Town Train Station to here.  I’m really tired now.

       講「從甲地到這裡花多少時間」,中文「…到這裡」不能省略,而英文中因為有from及出發地點則不必再說to here。為了簡化,我們把花多少時間的變項以*代替來查詢:

     找不到和您的查詢-"It took me * hours from the * train station to here" -site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr-相符的資料

     找不到和您的查詢-"It took me * hours from the station to here" -site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr-相符的資料

       查不到的原因就在to here 兩字,刪去這兩個字之後,除掉亞洲四個網路大國之外,至少還有七個例子:

 關於"It took me * hours from the station" -site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr有7項搜尋結果

              如果真要強調「從…到這裡」的話,英文習慣上說to get here from…:

 約有83,300項符合"It took me * hours to get here from" -site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr的查詢結


                 What is the best title for the reading?        (B): A City of Festival.


       約有47項符合"a city of festival"-site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr的查詢結果


       約有4,830項符合"a city of festivals"-site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr的查詢結果


                 Even in hard times, the farmers still give thanks to the land and keep working happily on their farms. When their farms grow very little rice,

                 they just laugh and say, “It’s OK.  Don’t worry!…”

                 關於“their farms grow very little rice”有3項搜尋結果,但都是出自台灣。

                 關於"farms grow very little" -site:tw有2項搜尋結果

                 相較之下,"farms don't grow" -site:tw就有較高的出現頻率:

                 約有200項符合"farms don't grow" -site:tw的查詢結果

                 約有198項符合"farms do not grow" -site:tw的查詢結果

       我們把這個句子簡化 “the farm grows very little”,用Google查詢的結果顯示為:

                 找不到 "The farm grows very little" 的結果

                 因為一般英文的習慣,會把否定詞放在grow前,所以如果改為 “the farm doesn’t grow”來查詢,結果是:約有297項符合"The farm doesn't grow"的查詢結果

       因此,我們知道 “The farm doesn’t grow much rice”的說法比較好。但如果是比較不同穀物的收成的特定情況,

       "The farm grows very little rice."就可以成立。

                 That is the way Taiwanese farmers live with their problems.  They work hard and never ask for much from the land.  All they want is to love

                 and live for it.  Because of the movie, the world can remember the farmers in Taiwan for their hard work and their “let-it-be” idea about life.

       講這群農人隨遇而安的人生觀,用their “let-it-be” idea about life是不太自然的說法:

        關於"for their * idea about life"-site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr有3項搜尋結果(其實都出自台灣)

        如果換成attitude toward life就道地多了

        約有253,000項符合"for their * attitude toward life"-site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr的查詢結果


               Which is NOT said about Taiwanese farmers in the reading?

       這問題顯然是受到中文的「哪一個?」的影響,但這個英語常用的句型習慣是說what is not said about而非which is not said about:

       關於"Which is not said about"-site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr有4項搜尋結果(仍是台灣的例子)

       約有12,500項符合"What is not said about"-site:tw -site:cn -site:jp -site:kr的查詢結果




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