Business school students in marketing class with teacher

【TESOL論文】透過任務活動有效學習英語/為程度混班英語課 選擇及調整課堂活動

英語教師經常遇到在同一課堂中,各個學生的英語能力與學習需求差異極大的情況。這種情形可以使用「任務式語言教學法」(task-based language teaching, TBLT)有效解決。TBLT首先分析學生在日常生活中必須解決的問題,再根據學生的個別需求設計任務活動。本文會討論三種任務式語言教學法的架構,教師可以依循這些架構調整及設計適合不同學生程度與需求的任務活動。同時,透過任務活動學習英語,也對學習者在職場中的實際英語應用有幫助。

英語教師經常遇到課堂中學習者的背景、經驗、學習需求、語言程度差異極大的情況,這在針對成人移民的居留安頓(settlement class)英語課程中尤其常見。這類課程的目的是幫助新移民適應新社會,沒有固定課綱,根據學生個別的語言及居留需求來設計課程。這樣的課堂無法直接使用一般坊間通用、以語言程度區分的語言教材,教學方式通常是根據學生在生活中會碰到的狀況來設計任務活動。

本文接下來會討論三種任務活動的規畫架構,以幫助教師安排適合的任務活動。分別是:(1)知名英國語言學家Peter Skehan在《A Cognitive Approach to Learning》一書中所提出的認知架構、(2)資深英語教師Bill Bowler 及Sue Parminter在2002年提出的溝通式架構、以及(3)愛丁堡大學榮譽教授Tony Lynch在2009年的聽力調整架構。

Peter Skehan的理論架構說明了如何透過語言複雜度、認知複雜度、以及溝通壓力三項因素的調整,來符合個別學生的程度及需求。Bill Bowler及Sue Parminter 提出任務活動的優惠措施及分級措施,藉由調整學習者回應的困難度及提供不同的協助來規畫閱讀及聽力練習。Tony Lynch的架構則是用不同的文本與課堂活動來調整聽力練習的難易程度。表一說明了在三種架構中,可以針對學習者程度進行調整的各種因素。


Peter Skehan 的認知架構是三者中最完整的,詳細指出語言溝通過程中可能造成聽力、口說、閱讀、及寫作困難的各種因素,而藉由調整這些因素,就能針對學習者程度規畫不同的任務活動。Bill Bowler及 Sue Parminter的架構原本是為了協助學生的閱讀及聽力所設計,根據學習者程度而調整的因素包括作答方式的改變、以及給予程度不一的協助。這個架構最大的貢獻,是指出教師不需要為不同程度的學習者設計不一樣的活動,只要給程度較淺的學習者更多協助,同樣可以使用取材自真實的文本進行練習。

Tony Lynch的架構重點是發展出調整真實聽力片段程度的方式,讓不同程度的人都能聽懂。程度比較淺的學習者在理解較長的文本時,經常會感到挫折,第二和第三種架構都強調給予不同程度的協助,而Tony Lynch更提供了簡化文本的方式。圖一總結了進行課堂活動時,教師可以減輕學習者思考負荷及回應壓力的方式。

在任務活動架構一中,Peter Skehan指出影響活動困難度的因素主要有三,分別是完成活動所需的語言複雜度、認知複雜度、以及當中的溝通壓力。教師可以透過調整這些因素,為不同程度的學習者設計適合的活動。

語言複雜度與文法複雜度、詞彙使用頻率、以及是否覆述有關。比如vocabulary 及lexis意思相當,但前者較為常見。教師可以將文字貼到www.lextutor.ca網站中的VocabProfile以查知字彙使用的頻率。換句話說、同義字、提供例子都可算是覆述的一種,可以用以簡化任務活動。







至於任務活動架構二,由於教師通常沒有時間為程度不一的學習者調整聽力或閱讀練習,Bill Bowler及 Sue Parminter建議可以透過簡化對學習者回應的要求(優惠措施)、或增加不同的協助(分級措施),讓程度淺的人也能順利完成練習。優惠措施的例子之一,是讓學習者閱讀美國食物指南(America’s Food Guide),要求程度淺的人回答幾個問題,程度高者則是檢視這些答案,寫出這些答案可能是根據什麼問題寫的。最後讓兩組互相比較所寫的答案。程度淺的學習者通常都很喜歡這類活動所帶來的溝通交流。





Stress is the feeling we have when our brains and bodies react to demands, challenges, or threats (Nordqvist, 2015). Everyone experiences stress now and then. Stress can be good or bad. Good or healthy stress can be beneficial. For example, feeling a bit of stress before you take a test can motivate you to study harder. When people feel overwhelmed by the demands of work, school, family, or other daily responsibilities, they experience unhealthy stress. Stress is unhealthy when it is caused by unpleasant, unpredictable, uncontrollable events. How people cope with stress is often related to their age. Middle-aged people usually have learned to deal with stress better and they tend to experience less stress. Some people believe that if you have a “Type A” personality you will suffer more stress (Scott, 2017). Type A people are very competitive, impatient, and time-conscious. People with a “Type B” personality are more laid back, even-tempered, and accepting of failure. These characteristics make them less vulnerable to stress.




  1. Which age group is less stressed?
  2. Describe a Type A personality.
  3. Why do Type B personalities have less stress?


  1. They are highly competitive, impatient, and time-conscious.
  2. They are middle-aged.
  3. They are laid back, even-tempered, and accepting of failure.



Which age group is less stressed?

  1. seniors
  2. middle-aged
  3. youth


Describe a Type A personality.

  1. easygoing
  2. uncontrollable
  3. competitive


Why do Type B personalities have less stress?

  1. They are even-tempered.
  2. They are competitive.
  3. They are unpleasant.



  1. Which age group is less stressed?
  2. Describe a Type A personality.
  3. Why do Type B personalities have less stress?



在任務活動架構三,Tony Lynch透過調整內容或改變練習方式來調整聽力練習難易度。比如說,刪除聽力練習中,學習者較不熟悉的字彙或內容片段,事先提供內容大綱或關鍵字彙等,也可以要求學習者聆聽主旨而不注重在細節上。甚至也可透過調整作答方式,讓學習者提供非口語的回答,如連連看、清單,都會比口頭回應或是書寫來得容易。




A Guide to Eating Right(原版)

According to Health Canada (2011), eating the right amount and type of food will help meet your body’s needs for vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. To promote your overall health and vitality, eat at least one dark green and one orange vegetable each day. This will help you get enough vitamin A and folate. Some dark green vegetables that contain folate include asparagus, broccoli, and romaine lettuce. Orange vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes are important sources of beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Orange-coloured fruit like apricots, cantaloupe, and mango are also important sources of vitamin A. One orange fruit can replace one orange vegetable. Eat vegetables and fruit with little or no salt, sugar, or fat. Most fruit and vegetables are low in calories. When they are fried or served with butter or creamy sauces, they become high sources of fat and high in calories. Steam, bake, or stir-fry vegetables instead of deep-frying them. To increase your fibre intake, choose to eat vegetables and fruit rather than drinking juice. By following these healthy eating tips, you will reduce your risk of obesity and getting certain types of diseases such as heart disease and cancer.


A Guide to Eating Right(經調整後的刪減版)

According to Health Canada (2011), Eating the right amount and type of food will help meet your body’s needs. for vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. To promote your overall health and vitality Eat at least one dark green and one orange vegetable each day. This will help you get enough vitamin A and B9 folate. Some dark green vegetables that contain B9 folate include asparagus, broccoli, and romaine lettuce. Orange vegetables and are important sources of beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A fruit are also important sources of vitamin A. One orange fruit can replace one orange vegetable. Eat vegetables and fruit with little or no salt, sugar, or fat. Most fruit and vegetables are low in calories. When they are fried or served with butter or creamy sauces, they become high sources of fat and high in calories. Steam, bake, or stir-fry vegetables instead of deep-frying them. To increase your fibre intake, Choose to eat vegetables and fruit rather than drinking juice. By following these healthy eating tips, you will reduce your risk of obesity and getting certain types of diseases such as heart disease and cancer.


以上三種任務活動架構,教師若能熟悉並據以調整課程活動內容,在混合程度的英語課堂中教學應會更為順利,也能幫助學習者達成語言學習的目標。(編譯/周如怡 責任編輯/張淳育)
(原文刊載於《TESOL Journal》網站,本刊之轉譯係經TESOL正式授權,然譯文非由其審定。)
(文/Marilyn L. Abbott   加拿大University of Alberta教育心理系ESL教育學程的助理教授)


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