一、 On behalf of + Noun(機關名稱), S+ V
On behalf of 加上機關名稱,中文意思為「謹代表OOO(公司或機關)」。
On behalf of Asus, Taiwan, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our office.
二、 S + V…, V-ing
在英文主要子句「主詞+ 動詞」結構的後面加上Ving,通常表示前面主要結構的含義,會影響後面的事件或是延續前面主要結構的動作及行為。在英文書信撰寫上經常可以看到這樣的句型。
We are organizing an international symposium, inviting distinguished scholars and specialists to share their visions and inspiring concepts with our suppliers and customers.
一、寫下SMART 的信件主旨
現今社會,大家都非常頻繁地使用電子郵件聯繫,很多知名的學者或專家一整天可能會收到50 封以上的郵件。因此,信件主旨相當重要,主旨標題若取得不恰當,講者很容易忽略此信,甚至直接丟到垃圾桶。寫主旨時應盡量符合SMART 原則:具體的(specific)、有意義的(meaningful)、適當的(appropriate)、切題的(relevant)、體貼的(thoughtful)。國際會議邀請函的標題建議可採用“Speech Invitation from Taiwan”或“Invitation to International Symposium”。
三、 寄件者該用誰的名義?
Yours faithfully,
Wendy Lin
For JOANNA HSU,Director-general
此外,亦可以將承辦人的名字寫在上方,主管姓名寫在下方,並在主管或長官姓名前面加上for或pp.(per procuration 的縮寫),代表「委任、授權」之意,這也是一個好方法。
1. 稱呼語(Salutation)
Dear Professor Chris Bilton,
稱呼語為寄信者對收信者的稱呼,一般來說為「Dear+職稱+收信者姓名」,例如Dear Professor Schmitt/Dear Director Chen/Dear President Douglas。如果不知道收信者的職稱或無特殊職稱,亦可使用Dear Mr. Schmitt/Dear Ms. Chen/Dear Mr. Douglas。
2. 引言(Introduction)
On behalf of Ministry of Culture, I am writing to invite you to be a speaker at our International symposium on The Emerging Trends in Talent Development for creative Industry, held by Ministry of Culture, Republic of China (Taiwan) on September 10-11, 2015.
3. 細節(Details)
The Ministry of Culture is a major government agency for preserving and promoting Taiwan’s cultural and artistic heritage and we also help businesses and communities grow by investing in innovation. This year, we are organizing an international symposium focusing on the issues of talent development for creative industry, inviting local and international distinguished scholars in cultural and creative industries and related disciplines to share their visions and inspiring concepts with our civil servants. You have been highly recommended to be our honorable guest in this symposium.
This symposium will be attended by more than 200 officials of central and local governments of Taiwan. You will be expected to give a 1 hour keynote speech and, later, to join a 20-mjn panel discussion with other scholars and experts. The agenda (draft) is attached for your reference. The detailed one will follow after all the speakers are determined.
You will be offered business round-trip tickets, transportation and accommodation during your 3-4 day’s stay, and an honorarium of TWD 20,000 (about US $666) for your 1 hour presentation and the panel discussion.
4. 回應或行為(Response or Action)
Please kindly let us know whether you will be willing to attend the symposium during the scheduled days. Once again, it is our great honor to invite you to Taiwan. It will be greatly appreciated if you could reply this invitation by 15th March 2015.
5. 結語(close)
For any further questions, don’t hesitate to email me. I would be happy to discuss any details in the following communication.
結語通常是簡單的一句話,為細節、回應與行為兩部分做簡單的總結。可以使用 “A prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.”,期望對方盡速給予回覆。亦可使用 “Please let me know if you need any further information.”,鼓勵對方提出問題,俾利進行後續溝通。
6. 結尾敬辭(Complimentary close)
結束信件的正文時,英文書信習慣加上結尾敬辭。如果收信者為已知的特定人士,結尾敬辭建議使用Sincerely/Yours sincerely。
7. 寄件人姓名及頭銜(Name of sender and designation)
Wendy Lin
Senior Officer
Dept. of Cultural & Creative Development
Ministry of Culture