【TESOL 會刊 TESOL Journal 精選】整合抒情寫作:從歌曲學寫作


       為了讓學習英語同時兼顧教育性與趣味,「透過歌曲學習寫作」的概念興起。雖然這不是創新的教學法,學生與音樂的連結卻是再自然不過。音樂有撼動人心的力量,影響情緒、精神與社會連結。音樂也具體地表現文化(Boer, 2009),並多方面促進語言的學習(Lake, 2002)。密集英語課程(Intensive English Language Program, IELP)的學生,英文說寫程度為中級,計畫為練習五段式作文,且要在五到十分鐘內準備一場口頭報告。課程已經討論過描寫,敘述,闡述修辭的作文風格,我也在尋找一種能囊括這些風格的專題寫作,同時合併說的技巧、科技與美國文化。




       密集英語課程要涵蓋技巧理解與學期課程,因此重新改寫了課程表。課程包括「TESOL十二年級生以下英語能力標準(PreK12 English Language Proficiency Standards)」、美國外語教學委員會(American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, ACTFL)的「國家外語教學標準口說能力指南(National Standards for Foreign Language Education (n.d.), Proficiency GuidelinesSpeaking)」(1999)與「寫作能力指南(Proficiency GuidelinesWriting)」(2001)等。接受測驗的學生,寫作程度為中階(根據ACTFL標準),習慣使用五段式作文法,包括第一段的介紹,三段的主文,與第五段的結論。然而,學生們的作文通常只寫出標準格式:「描寫(description)」,「敘述(narration)」或「闡述(exposition)」中的其中一兩種。在這個新教案實行前,學生已經學會寫作的格式,但他們仍需要學習將這些格式整合到五段式作文,實際表現它們相互依存的關係。而最重要的莫過於讓文章中,每段所使用的格式一目了然,以及專題使用。基於這個需要,學生的目標是精準寫出每一段的格式,減少他們每一段該寫出哪些資訊的困惑,尤其這是首次學生將三種格式整合至一篇文章的練習。





1.       挑選適當的歌曲。歌曲數要比學生人數還多,確保每位學生都是隨機選歌。

2.       為歌詞歸類,找出可以付費或免費下載的網站(見附錄A)。

3.       為每首歌曲準備一份講義,附上歌詞和下載歌曲及歌詞的網站。

4.       為每首歌準備文件夾,標上曲目,將歌詞與下載網站講義放入文件夾內。

5.       將每個文件夾編號並將號碼一一寫在折起的小紙條上。

6.       請每位學生抽出一張小紙條,依照抽到的號碼拿取文件夾。

7.       討論計畫流程。

8.       接下來兩週,每堂課花一點時間討論歌曲中的事件。

9.       向學生解釋五段式作文的結構(見附錄B):

  • 第一段:引言
  • 第二段:描述該首歌的類型,它和美國歷史的關係以及相關社會事件(描寫)
  • 第三段:重述那首歌的故事(敘述)
  • 第四段:學生的個人看法和反應(闡述)
  • 第五段:結論

10.   在課堂中引導學生寫一篇文章,為每位學生提供文章範例作為參考。

11.   引導學生實務研究,說明引用格式,知識財產的概念,包括抄襲行為在美國的情形(某人認為屬於某人),引述參考資訊的需要。英語程度中級學生的研究能力仍是基礎水準,老師對學生準備資料的期待也許不高;然而學生有機會實際操作許多大學教授都認為學生該知道的美國教育經驗中最根本的技巧。在這個活動中,因為學生只有研究的基本程度,所以可以使用Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org/)和 Wikimedia (http://www.wikimedia.org/)。可以允許學生抄寫參考資料,並且這將在稍後的課程中作為教學重點。

12.   請學生下課後研究他們的歌曲的意義,歌手,歌詞,和提到的社會狀況。告訴學生要把找到的資料用在文章中。

13.   請學生準備電子檔,報告他們的研究成果。



  • 網路
  • 電腦
  • 印表機
  • 分類文件夾或信封
  • 數位音樂播放機
  • 電子信箱(非必須,但是用電子郵件寄送範文及回答問題使師生溝通更快速,簡單且持續)
  • 簡報軟體(PowerPoint, Keynote)


       這個教學計畫的基本概念能簡易調整語言能力的解讀模式(聽與讀)、人際互動模式(聽與寫)、與表達模式(說與寫)。綜合描寫、敘述與闡述三種格式,讓學生得以表現他們概念及語言上對它們的瞭解(ACTFL, n.d.)。








       有些ESL學生不想選擇老式流行歌曲,因為它們太艱澀(即使對英語是母語的人來說)。讀歌詞,認生字,聽不同的歌曲能幫助學生更熟悉流行音樂,讓他們更有自信聆聽並瞭解周圍的世界(Brown, 2006, para. 6)。




原文刊載於TESOL電子期刊TESOL Journal 2.1(2011年3月號),本刊之轉譯係經TESOL正式授權,然譯文並非由其審閱。

想了解如何成為TESOL會員,請上網查詢 http://www.tesol.org 或洽 +1-703-836-0774。



  • American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. (1999). ACTFL proficiency guidelines—Speaking. Retrieved from http://www.actfl.org/files/public/Guidelinesspeak.pdf
  • American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. (2001). ACTFL proficiency guidelines—Writing. Retrieved from http://www.actfl.org/files/public/writingguidelines.pdf
  • American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. (n.d.). National standards for foreign language education. Retrieved from http://www.actfl.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid53392
  • Boer, D. (2009). Music makes the people come together: Social functions of music listening for young people across cultures (Doctoral dissertation, Victoria University of Wellington). Retrieved from http://researcharchive.vuw.ac.nz/handle/10063/1155?show5full
  • Brown, J. L. M. (2006). Rhymes, stories and songs in the ESL classroom. Internet TESL Journal, 7(4). Retrieved from http://iteslj.org/
  • Lake, B. (2002, Fall). Music and language learning. The OAL Connection. Retrieved from http://www.dtae.org/adultlit/connections/music.html
  • TESOL. (2006). PreK–12 English language proficiency standards. Alexandria, VA: Author.




Teaching English With Song—ESL Through Music http://www.esl-galaxy.com/music.htm



A–Z Lyrics Universe  http://www.azlyrics.com/

All-Lyrics-Free  http://www.all-lyrics-free.com/

Lyrics Search Engine  http://lyrics.astraweb.com/

Sing365.com  http://www.sing365.com/index.html



Free Music Directory  http://www.mp3.com/free-music/?tag5topnav;freemusic

FreePlay Music  http://freeplaymusic.com/

Last.fm  http://www.last.fm/music











       請記得你的五段式作文要使用學院格式:電腦打字,頁邊空白一吋,字體12 ,Times New Roman,雙倍行距。




One Tin Soldier 一名錫兵     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Tin_Soldier

       The song was composed in the 1960s by Denis Lambert and Brian Potter. The U.S. rock group Coven recorded the song as part of the soundtrack for the movie Billy Jack. Native Americans lived in peace in the United States when European people arrived in America. They didn’t have a society as developed as Europeans, so, first of all, the relationships were really good. However, in the end, everything changes. The song ‘‘One Tin Soldier’’ is an anti-war song because it talks about what happened historically to Native Americans and how inhumane some people can be when greed is involved (Wikimedia, 2010).

       In the song there are sounds of marching drums and trumpets, and, after listening, you sense that it reflects many ideas of anti-war people. The lyrics are absolutely deep and sad; however, the singer sings with different ups and downs, so, in the end, you feel the meaning of why. She emphasizes the chorus because it has a double meaning. She says, ‘‘Go ahead and hate your neighbor; go ahead and cheat a friend,’’ but the real meaning is ‘‘Don’t do it; it is ridiculous.’’ It is a song full of irony, and, despite being an anti-war song, the music is sweet and pleasant.

       The Mountain People were Native Americans, and the Valley People were Christian settlers. When the settlers asked the Mountain People about a hidden treasure, they were told by the Valley People that they would share it with their brothers. They didn’t understand that ‘‘brothers’’ not only were themselves, and, for that reason, the settlers thought they were rightfully entitled to steal it, in the name of God. After killing all the Native Americans, the settlers found out that there was only a message, ‘‘Peace on Earth.’’ For the Native Americans, the treasure was not some concrete material thing, but, to the Valley People, it was gold. In the end, only one person understood how wrong it all was. Christians did it because it was right, and they had a conscience, but so much wrong happens because it is human nature to follow the crowd.

       I had never listened to this song before. The first time, I didn’t like it. However, after the second time, I loved it. I understood neither the meaning nor the sounds of the drums, but, the third time, everything made sense. For me, it was difficult to understand the meaning of the end, ‘‘One tin soldier rides away.’’ The description and the narration are absolutely awesome because they use the irony to tell us the story. I would recommend it to children because it is the best example to show what people can do for money. Money doesn’t give happiness. Nowadays, there are some Christians, Muslims, etc. who think they are right with this kind of behavior, and people aren’t learning about the mistakes of the past.

       In conclusion, I would recommend ‘‘One Tin Soldier’’ to everyone in the world. It speaks to us with irony of what happened to the Native Americans and what happens if we don’t respect other cultures. The song is very sad, but it represents an important part of the history of the United States. Actually, I don’t know Integrated Lyrical Writing the impact of the song on the American society, but, I suppose, it is a lot because it was used like a tribute to America on September 11, 2001. The song was dedicated to all firefighters.


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